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Friday, October 30, 2009

Movember - let the growing season commence

I am really entering the spirit of Movember, growing a moustache for charity. I shall be shaving my upper lip for the last time for a month at midnight tonight. Thereafter it will be really important for me to remember NOT to go shaving off the burgeoning growth. Easier said than done for me at times.

If you are really unlucky, I shall post progress photos in here to prove it is actually growing. And of course my (very) few readers can always sponsor my tending the facial fungus by visiting:

Just to prove it isn't just looneys like me doing this, see the following I have extracted from an official Movember announcement:

Powderfinger's Golden Rule #1
Movember Ambassadors, Aussie rock legends and all round good blokes Powderfinger, are in. As part of their involvement, they're not only growing Mo's, they're donating $5 from every copy of their new album GOLDEN RULE pre-ordered or purchased from What could be better than that? Perhaps their weekly GOLDEN RULE for growing a mo. Here's the first.
It goes a little something like this...
"If there's one golden rule to starting my Mo, it's that preparation of the surface is everything. I've heard from a reliable source, that it benefits from a little fresh lemon juice rubbed in gently early on to help stimulate the hair follicles and promote thick vibrant shrubbery. There's a long way to Mo, but I'll start right here...". Darren Middleton.

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