Picture: Glenn Barnes |
Something has just struck me a blinding mental blow.
has become almost something of a national past-time to ridicule and
make fun of Australian billionaire mining magnate, Clive Palmer. But
we've been entirely wrong to do so.
Now Clive has been anything but reticent in making all sorts of press statements in recent times. To mention just a few:
Picture: Lisa Clarke
Source: The Courier-Mail |
was giving up on Wayne Swan's seat and instead going after independent,
former National Party, hat-wearing, gun-toting, redneck Bob Katter's
seat (despite Katter's stranglehold that ain't gonna be broken in a
hurry - watch out Clive - Bob might just start loading
mining-magnate-gauge shot)
But now the penny has just dropped. Clive Palmer clearly has a quite big picture plan in mind.
Obviously the grim spectre of the CIA really
controlling our not-so-little corner of the Antipodean world, with
President Obama about to declare us the next State within the Union -
and Prime Minister Jul-i-ah can do a reprise of her tearful speech to
both houses in the US about how the US can do '
anything.' And
we'd almost certainly lose all that which is great and good about
Australia - cricket and football. And we can't have that, can we!
Although perhaps one of the US's super-smart-missiles might be just what
we need to regain the Ashes.
Then adding to the
disaster, we've been dodging the pieces of the sky that are now falling
in all over the place following implementation of the Carbon Tax so
clearly we are definitely in need of saving.
The key to
fixing these terrible disasters is obviously a free press. And now our
dear, philanthropic Clive, will come to the rescue with his own online
"Oh no," I can hear you all cry. "Won't the terrible CIA just take that over as well?"
not, dear friends, because philanthropic and
saviour-of-all-that-is-great-provided-it-benefits-him Clive has the
answer there too. You see, that is where the new Titanic comes in -
Clive will dump all his former Fairfax journos on the ship and sail them
gleefully around the world and keeping them out of the clutches of the
US spooks.
See - all we need to do is keep a clear and open mind about things and they all make sense, don't they?
Now if you have an opinion on what I'm blathering about or even just
feel like saying hi, then don't be afraid to leave a comment or post
something to me via Twitter or Facebook. I don't bite - at least not
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