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Monday, July 30, 2012

Nothing like rent-a-crowd!

Two angry posts in one day - yet another sign of me becoming more of a grumpy old man, breathing ever closer to the 50 year mark.

It seems to be impossible for any Olympics to go by without there being a major administrative screw up. So it was just a matter of time before something burst on the 2012 scene in London.

Many parents of Australian athletes were unable to get tickets for the events their children were in. Not surprisingly they have become rather enraged at the sight of vacant seats at these same venues that they were unable to obtain tickets to.

The organising committee of the London Olympics has come up with a simple - for them - solution. Rather than allow more families the opportunities to see their children, their brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles etc, these vacant seats are now going to be made to disappear by giving entry to members of the British military - for free!

It was the families that supported and stood by athletes in their years of preparation. Why should they be then denied the opportunity to be there for the big event despite their being available seating?

Hey - what's wrong LOCOG - worried that you don't have big enough hometown crowds and doing a spot of rent-a-crowd?

Bloody pathetic.

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